Another study just released proves that home car washing is harmful. In Federal Way, WA residents are learning what environmentalists have known for years, washing their cars in the driveway is detrimental to local waterways.
As a proud SC resident and I love Lowcountry life. I buy lemonade from school children on the beach and purchase cookies from Girl Scounts outside Wal-Mart. I don't however support charity car washes. Charity car washes are a thing of the past or perhaps, they should be. Residents protect our local waterways from trash and debris, by participating in beach cleanups, urging tourists to pick up after themselves and Charleston even touts an entire festival centered around green businesses,the Charleston Green Festival in Marion Square.
In the Lowcountry, we have a gorgeous structure, The Ravenel Bridge. We appreciate sealife so much that we turn the lights on the bridge off at night, so that sea turtles don't become disoriented as they navigate to the ocean.
The Federal Way Mirror says "the harmful materials that find their way to the region's (in Washington)waterways reek chaos on aquatic life. Products such as oil can contaminate wildlife. Phosphorous and nitrogen can lead to excessive plant growth and decay, which degrades water quality, according to the study."
The article also mentions how stormwater and materials caught up in the water will flow to nearby creeks, streams and lakes. "These then transport the items to the Puget Sound. The stormwater catch basins are designed to restrict solids from entering the drainage system, but
pollutants slip by sometimes, Smith said."
If your organization would like to raise money and in the past, might have considered a car wash, please email me: I know we can craft a fundraising program for your team or club that is environmentally-friendly
AND that will get your team in those new uniforms before the first game. No bathing suits or posterboard signs required.