Ever wondered about those bridal shows you see advertised on billboards? Should you go? Is it worth your time and money? Should you drag the fiance? Will he hate it?
Allow us to guide you through the bridal show mania! We like bridal shows for a few reasons:
-Brides and grooms get a chance to check it all out in person. No matter how many books and magazines you read, nothing compares to seeing the wedding day components like cakes and flowers in person.
-The down side is listening to the sales pitches from prospective vendors. The folks who staff these events are sometimes just a bit persistent, but we find that a simple "We're just getting ideas, thanks for your time," helps steer a couple on to the next booth.
-There are contests to enter. Some bridal websites even suggest bringing pre-printed address labels so that you can enter all the drawings at these shows. Just beware, you're also signing up to be on a mailing list by entering the contests.
-Take a big purse and make sure you have a pen for any notes about vendors you'd like to make for yourself. Bridal shows usually have plastic bags for you to put all the catalogs and vendor brochures in, but be eco-friendly and keep up with them yourself.
-Go for the food! Often you can make a meal out of the samples from catering companies and save room for cake samples.
-Don't miss the fashion show. Check the program from the show you are attending, most list the time for that day's fashion show and seats fill up rather quickly.